Will Aldi come to Louisiana?

Will Aldi come to Louisiana and cut your grocery bills soon?  Are there other ways you can save money in the meantime?

Right now they have not made a public statement saying what states the discounted grocery store will be expanding in to.  They have said the company is growing and will be adding a total of 2,500 additional stores by the end of 2022.  You can read more about it if you click here.  While you are waiting you can find out what everyday Aldi shoppers in other states also do to save money in their household.

Aldi Shopper Saving Tips

I shop at Aldi's about twice a month. I like to buy a variety of foods there. I mostly buy a lot of box foods, snacks, some frozen foods and snacks. Food is very expensive these days and this supermarket allows me to buy healthier food a lot cheaper.

I love that their fruits and vegetables save me a lot. I am able to buy more of these healthier options for my family. I work a full time job, but also work on mturk to make some extra money on the side. Mturk can be tedious, but it is something I can do while at home watching television. It earns me an extra one hundred to two hundred a week with minimal effort.

There are many other sites like it that also allow you to work at home and make a little extra supplemental income.Do you know how to create graphics?  Are you willing to do a review on camera? Do you love writing and can come up with elaborate stories easily?  If so, you can should also check out fiverr.com, they allow you to offer your freelance services to a hungry audience.

I have a family of four and food is a huge chunk of my bills. The money in is not always as important as smart budgeting. I use a lot of coupons when shopping. At first I thought it wasn't worth the time, but once I really invested the time, I realized I can save a lot of money. I may have to buy a lot of food that I may not need at the time, but stocking up on those things, allows me to save at other times.

My best advice for someone who is short on cash or a stay at home mom would be to take the time to shop the sales and stock up when you see a good deal. If you plan ahead, you can save tons of money. It may seem expensive at first, but soon, you only have to buy the basic weekly things, like fresh fruits and vegetable, milk and eggs.

Another good way to save is to really plan your meals. This prevents throwing out a lot of food and waste. I try to pre-cook a lot of foods on Sunday and have the menu planned for the week. It really saves me a lot since I started this because I know what foods I need and what foods I have that I need to use before they spoil. I think with all these different ways of saving I save about two hundred dollars a month. This is a lot of money.

If you really invest the time, you can find a ton of ways to save. The internet is great and has more tips than you can believe. Look up some sites and do some google searches. You will be amazed at the amount of information is out there. Simple little tricks can save you thousands a year! Saving money is an art form, but once you learn it, you will never turn back.

Time to Stream Up

Is it time to stream up?  Hello there!  This is AndreaTV and I am the webmaster for this blog.  I just wanted to give you a little poke today.  The economy as you "knew it" will never be the same.  It is in the best interest of every man, woman, boy or girl to find something they can produce that can earn money.

I say this to EVERYONE, even if you have a good job, or a "secure career".  Technology is erasing jobs and careers at a pace much faster than the average person is able to recognize or see. There are ways that you can add a side income to your household without stopping whatever else you have going on in your life right now.

I can show you these ways for free.  I am "putting together" this blog page on a Saturday morning while sitting at my kids basketball training session.  You can find the time.  You NEED to find the time.  Yes, it is a sacrifice, but you sacrifice now so you won't BE sacrificed later!