Is Aldi open Christmas Day 2018?

Is Aldi open Christmas Day 2018?  Can you grab that gallon of milk and eggs the morning after Santa's visit or not?  So sorry to inform you, but if you waited to the last minute or simply forgot certain key items to complete your meal, this grocery store is not open on Tuesday, 12/25/2018.

To be honest, you are probably going to have a hard time finding a supermarket  accepting shoppers, because it's Christmas!  I don't say this to make you feel bad.  I actually was a little shocked the first year this discounted grocer moved to my neighborhood. 

They are closer to where I live than any other market so I went there first.  I forgot the cinnamon rolls we usually ate Christmas morning.  Forgive me, I do not bake from scratch, and have no desire to learn either.  I pulled up to their doors only find them closed and see the sign stating the same thing. I was disappointed but moved on to the next closest store.

I was shocked to find Shoppers Food Warehouse was also closed that year.  The only place I found to buy my doughy goodness from was Giant.  So I picked up my rolls, orange juice, and milk and made my way home.  By this time it was over 30 minutes after I left my house!

We have a rule in our house that the kids cannot open the gifts until Mom and Dad are both awake, home, and downstairs in the living room. (P.S. I am not the only one who runs out on Christmas morning to pick up last minute items.) So needles to say the kids were none too happy that I took so long on my store run. But I think the gifts they received more than made up for the delay.

Does Aldi sell Christmas gifts?

Does Aldi sell Christmas gifts? 

If you have toddlers then you are in luck.  The small variety of toys they do sell are aimed at toddlers.  My local store this year has things like colorful xylophones, plastic blow-up punch dolls, wooden puzzles, plastic safari animals in a bucket with scenery, cute fuzzy slippers, etc.

My son is 7 this year and they had a big toy truck that could hold up to 40 smaller cars for $18.99.  It included 14 cars and I have a small video below.  It is not Matchbox or Hotwheels but you can't beat it for the price.  He is still at the age where a name brand means nothing and he will be making the car noises with his mouth anyway.  He's gonna love it.

Now for my twin 11 year old boy/girl twins there wasn't much so far.  My daughter is still very imaginative at times too so I bought her the plastic bucket of sea animals with scenery included. They advertised a bean bag juggling set in the flyer for the week but it wasn't in the store available for sale. I even asked an employee and they said that toy had not come in yet.

They also had a child size teddy bear that was supposed to be on sale for $29.99 and I saw no signs of that either.  I wouldn't have purchased it anyway, since they each have no less than 10 to 15 plush/stuffed animals, but another parent may have.  My thoughts are that this toy took up too much space on the delivery truck and they just scrapped the idea or put a handful only in each store.

If your local Aldi isn't a 5 minute drive from your house, like mine, then you may save some time by ordering your Christmas gifts online.  I bought most of the gifts from Amazon.  This includes scooters, skateboards, elbow and knee pads, board games, retro video games, and more! You can check out what they have to offer , just click this link here. 

I am an Amazon Prime member and most items arrived 2 days after I ordered them.  Be careful though, some items will be coming from China and other countries, so even though it says Prime it may take a couple of weeks to arrive.  I learned this lesson last year for one item. I bought it around December 13th or 14th and it stated it was a "Prime" item.  I was not paying attention at checkout and when I noticed it didn't come a few days later I checked on it.  It was coming from China, had already left the facility in China, but would not arrive until the first week in January!

I was a little upset. Mostly with myself for not paying attention, and a little used with the seller, because they were being deceptive by offering the toy under the two day delivery option knowing there was absolutely no way that could happen. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Now I stop and scroll through any and all delivery details before I click that yellow "place order" button.